Monroe County > Brighton

County: Monroe

Population: 37,137

Brighton was named for the English resort in Sussex.

School districts: Brighton Central School District

Libraries: Brighton Memorial Library

Emergency services: Brighton Volunteer Ambulance, Brighton Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: Kiwanis

Recent grants:

Brighton Central School District
  New York State Office of Mental Health  -  Albany, NY  -  $25,000  (2023)

Brighton Fire Department
  John D & Seana L Holtz Foundation  -  Rochester, NY  -  $2,000  (2022)

Brighton Memorial Library
  Westminster Barrington Foundation  -  Rochester, NY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Brighton Police Department
  NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services  -  Albany, NY  -  $879,150  (2024)

Largest nonprofits in Brighton (by assets) include:

Brighton Fire Department Brighton Volunteer Ambulance Brighton School Alumni Association Brighton Police Patrolmen Aassociation